The Four-Year Blogiversary: It's Ok to Say No

Danielle N. Salmon
Follow My Gut

Follow My Gut is a restaurant discovery blog created to help people find restaurants and indulge in food. There's great food in restaurants and those finds should be shared! If you feel the same way and want to join in new and forgotten discoveries, all you have to do is Follow My Gut by subscribing. You can also stay up to date on all food finds on Facebook and Instagram at @FollowMyGut!

Jodie says:

This is such a great post to read! Saying no is always harder than people think, yet probably the most imporant thing we can say at times!!
Happy anniversary!

You hit it right on the head there. Super hard to do, but important nonetheless. Thank you for your anniversary wishes, it was a great day!

Congratulations, Danielle!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

Thank you and I hope you have a great new year!

Good for you! I think it’s hard to find that balance you need to do what’s right for you and we all struggle with it. BUt taking care of yourself comes first and at the end, you will be happier and do what you love and it will show in your work too. Happy 4th year and can’t wait to see what the 5th year brings.

Christine |

Self care is become so on trend, but it’s totally important and necessary. As odd as it may sound, saying no became a bit of a self care for me and it’s making me really excited to navigate my 2019 with a new lens. Thank you a whole bunch for your awesome support, Christine!

I think we all believe that doing everything that people ask, or that we are offered is expected. But you remind us that it is not! We need to say no for ourselves. It’s self preservation. We need to take care of us first. Thanks for the reminder!

I used to do everything that came my way and quickly burned out. But this time around I forgot about that and had to have a friendly reminder — I don’t have to do and go to everything. Thank you so much too!

Rach says:

I’m so happy to hear that this past year you focused on yourself. Saying no is one of the hardest things but the best thing we can dot o ourselves. Happy Anniversary and wish you more continued success!

Goodness it’s really so hard, but can be very worth it in the long run. Thank for the anniversary wishes =]

Congrats on reaching 4 years! I agree its important to take time for yourself, because your blog then can grow with you x


Thank you a whole bunch, I agree with ya completely! <3

Shea Sayers says:

Happy blog anniversary! I have also learned to say no more over the past year or so. It can be hard, but at the end of the day it’s important to remember that if saying yes to someone else means saying no to yourself, it’s often not worth it. Here’s to many more years and to saying yes just to the good stuff!

I think you said it so perfectly, Shea! Saying yes to someone else if it means no to myself is not worth it all. It can only lead me to being worse off in the long run. Thank you for that reminder and for the well wishes. I wish you decades on decades of beautiful blogging success =]

Well congratulations on hitting the 4 year mark. I started about 4 years ago too. I have learned a lot along the way. Yes that sometimes other bloggers are out for themselves but I have also met a lot of great people, got to attend FW which unlike many other bloggers I am excited about. I learned new skills, discovered a new hobby-photography and recently taught myself FCP and started a You Tube channel. But there are days when I want to quit. No Instagram Husband and my life is really nothing like the blogosphere but still I do get some joy from it. But it a lot of work.

Yes sometimes we do have to say no. I wish you much success in the future.

Allie of

Woah wait a sec, what’s “FW” and “FCP” I have my pencil and paper in hand to take notes. I love all that you haven learned in that amount of time. It’s crazy to think we’ve been doing this for four years and all the things we’re teaching ourselves. I mean you even have a youtube channel which is so awesome! Gonna find you over there. Now if we can just find our instagram husbands we’ll be in an even greater position =]

Ruth says:

You have to do what works for you! Sometimes saying no and taking those breaks are so important!

Exactly! I think everyone is going to be different and some people may not agree with it, but this has worked for me thus far and I feel much stronger about going into 2019! Thank you, Ruth!

Lovely Amusan says:

Happy Blog anniversary babe, and I agree that sometimes you need to take a break and there is nothing wrong with saying no.


Thank you so much, a break is always a good thing when ya feel it deep down inside =]

allisonwdunn says:

Happy blogiversary!! 4 years, wow! This was such a wise and well written post. Being able to ‘say no’ was actually one of my 2018 resolutions. I was living in constant ‘fomo’ and had to attend every single outing and event that I was invited to in fear of missing out on any fun. In reality, I was spreading myself too thin and I wasn’t enjoying myself.

xo, allie

Thank you so so much, Allison! And I’m glad you realized what worked for you/what needed to change. Now that I see more than ever that it’s ok to say no, I — just like you — don’t feel FOMO and actually feel much better!

Jessica says:

This is such a lovely read dear. Congrats on your 4th year. Cheers for more blogging years!

Jessica |

Thank you and cheers right back to ya!!!

Congrats on your blog anniversary, this is a great post and thanks for sharing.

Thank you I appreciate that oh so much!

polarbearstyle says:

This is a beautiful post. I’m so glad that you were able to find the right balance between pursuing your dream and living your life in the best way. I hope the new year brings you many wonderful things.

Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

Thank you and thank you for the well wishes for 2019. I so need it and I accept it wholeheartedly :-***

Cue says:

happy anniversary!

Thank you Quincy!!!

Bry Jaimea says:

A massive congrats on four years, and hopefully there’s many more to come xx

xx Bry Jaimea

Thank you and yes hopefully many many more =]

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