Ms. Chi Cafe Welcomes You for Brunch in Culver City

Danielle N. Salmon
Follow My Gut

Follow My Gut is a restaurant discovery blog created to help people find restaurants and indulge in food. There's great food in restaurants and those finds should be shared! If you feel the same way and want to join in new and forgotten discoveries, all you have to do is Follow My Gut by subscribing. You can also stay up to date on all food finds on Facebook and Instagram at @FollowMyGut!


Hi Tin Tin! You had me at Chinese Dumplings. I totally remember Chef Shirley. That Shrimp Chow Mien Looks serious. I need to taste all of the dumplings especially the vegan garden dumplings. I’ll take 5 of those Mochi Donuts.

Ahhh that’s so cool that you remember her and that she sparked your memory! Heck yeah! And the chow mein is so bomb. Dreaming of it as I type!

Gemma says:

Looks great! Thanks for sharing this place.

Gemma x

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