How Continued Rejection Led Me to My Biggest Blogging Move

Danielle N. Salmon
Follow My Gut

Follow My Gut is a restaurant discovery blog created to help people find restaurants and indulge in food. There's great food in restaurants and those finds should be shared! If you feel the same way and want to join in new and forgotten discoveries, all you have to do is Follow My Gut by subscribing. You can also stay up to date on all food finds on Facebook and Instagram at @FollowMyGut!

Claud says:

Love it! Have fun in Sweeden! Exciting!!!! Blessings always. God is good all the time! XO😘

Anna Yan says:

I love this. It’s a long journey to finding your niche, and you’re so good at it!

Jen says:

I’m actually getting goosebumps reading about this. Soooooo excited for you and so excited to read how wonderful this leap of faith will be.

Isn’t it WEIRDDDDDDDDDD how this happens?!?!??! OVER QUALIFIED? I don’t understand this sort of rejection. DONT YOU WANT PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO DO THE WORK?! It makes no sense and drives me BANANAS!!! PRIME TALENT such as yourself being rejected is LUDACRIS! I am so so so excited for your Stockholm trip though and WISH I could go with you!!!! I cannot friggin’ wait to follow you on your journeyyy!!

Haley Marie says:

I love this! You are such an inspiration. I wish I had the guts to make a major move like this.

Tiffany says:

This is amazing Danielle. Enjoy every minute of your time in Sweden taking in the sights, sounds, and foods. I look forward to reading about your International endeavors. Have fun!!!

Andrea Winzer says:

As frightening as it can be to spill ur guts like this to the world, this is something that so many people are going thru and they need to hear this. Dani this is ur testimony! Keep sharing and allowing God to bless u and others thru ur experiences. Way to step out on faith.

Rebecca says:

I got goose bumps reading this! So excited to follow you on your journey and can’t waot to see what’s next for you. I’m sure it will be even bigger than what you dreamed. 😘

JaNae Hodge says:

Its awesome that you don’t allow rejection to stop your momentum. Great article and best of luck!

Andrea says:

your approach to rejection is great. I read something recently that if you dont experiene failure you won’t experience sucess becasue you have nothing to compare it to.

this is absolutely what i was looking for thankyou for this amazing article hope to see more in future.

Lindsay says:

I needed to read this today thank you for sharing!

Robin says:

Yes girl!!! I love this!! Rejection isn’t easy (while I don’t feel rejection in my job, I definitely do in my dating life) I think stepping away and focusing on something else that can (and will!) make you happy is the way to go! Enjoy Sweden!

ahhh super exciting!!!! and so brave. looking forward to this new era! and it looks like you’re having a bomb time in europe! thanks for letting me live vicariously through you (:

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