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This Downtown LA Bar Has a Burger with Your Name on It

Actually, it had my name on it. But since it was so good, I’ll graciously take my name off and you can put yours on it and pretend like the burger belongs to you. Sure you eating my burger might be a little weird, but considering how good it is, we’ll just disregard that part.

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, Los Angeles food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Downtown LA, DTLA, Downtown Los Angeles, where to eat in DTLA, where to eat in Downtown LA, Brack Shop Tavern, Brack Shop, bar, BLT, sandwich, bacon

Brack Shop Tavern is DTLA’s New Bar without the Douchebag Feeling

I don’t think anyone likes to sit in traffic. I might be making an assumption on behalf of all mankind, but I don’t believe there’s a single person who finds joy in it. Should there be someone reading this who feels I’m wrong, you’re nuts, and I don’t mean like Planters. I mean like Courtney

Redbird in Downtown LA is the Perfect Place to Celebrate Anything and Everything

Out of all the things I did this month, the most important was that I turned thirty. I don’t say that because I want everyone to rejoice in the day I was born; I really didn’t do anything, it was my mom who did all the hard work. Instead, turning thirty was important because I’m

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Los Angeles, Downtown LA, DTLA, Downtown Los Angeles, KTCHN, KTCHN DTLA, brunch, breakfast, fritters

A Spectacular Brunch from the Little KTCHN That Could

Aging is inevitable. Cry if that’s news to you, but it’s impossible to fight the maturation process and as badly as we may wish to have the Benjamin Button disease, we can’t. As my age has increased in years, I’ve noticed that my number of friends has decreased in quantity. If you let out a

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Los Angeles, LA, Downtown LA. DTLA, Morton’s, steak, burger, mac n cheese, lunch, dinner, fancy

Is Morton’s $28 Lunch Burger Really Worth Ditching Work?

Yes, yes it is. But let’s start at the beginning. Every now and then I look at my one-hour lunch break and I think, “What am I supposed to do with that?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to even have it considering I’ve held jobs that offered a whopping thirty minutes. That in some

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Multiply LA, Multiply, Downtown LA, Downtown Los Angeles, DTLA, cocktails, sliders, wings

This New DTLA Venue Might Have the Best Sliders, Ever

What are you willing to do for food? When you think of that question, I hope you’re answer doesn’t verge on criminal activity. If it is, then feel free to discuss it at length with a therapist, or a police officer. If I’m the one answering the question then I’d say: I’m willing to sweat

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Downtown LA, DTLA, Downtown Los Angeles, Spring Arcade Building, Green Grotto, juice, healthy, acai bowl, fruit, healthy

Green Grotto’s Healthy Options will Make You Forget About Fast Food Forever

I think I’m sabotaging myself. And when I say “think”, you should really replace that with the words “clearly know”. The reason I say that is because I work out about 5 times a week, but the minute I leave the gym for some reason my car will always end up at the Chic-fil-A drive

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Umami Burger, Umami Broadway, Downtown LA, DTLA, burgers, wings, corn,

Umami Burger on Broadway Debuts New Dishes and an Exclusive Burger!

Umami Burger has been a restaurant that I love since they first opened in LA back in 2009. Friends and I would hit up the restaurant so often that our bank statements started to look like nothing but receipts from Umami. Since discovering their “fifth taste” style of burgers, I’ve found myself exploring their menu

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, Downtown LA, DTLA, Downtown Los Angeles, Figat7th, City Tavern, The Melt, Five Guys, National Cheeseburger Day, cheeseburger, burger, fries

Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day with Eats from Figat7th!

Today, September 18, is one of the best holidays: it’s National Cheeseburger Day. While I love Jesus, Christmas isn’t my favorite day. Thanksgiving comes in pretty strong and Super Bowl Sunday would be a contender, but it’s not even considered a pretend holiday. Since National Cheeseburger Day has the unofficial holiday title attached to it,

Follow My Gut, FMG, Danielle N. Salmon, foodie, blog, LA food blog, LA Foodie, food blog, restaurant blog, restaurant discovery, eateries, food porn, where to eat in LA, national donut day, donut, birdies, chicken, chicken sandwich

Prepare to Get Hooked on Birdies

I think there is a psychology behind becoming obsessed with a restaurant. That when a person discovers a place and enjoy what they eat, days later the brain starts to crave it and it can’t stop until it gets it. It’s not just about the food; the obsession comprises the travel to get to the